I'm proud and happy to share that my illustrations from James Harden Illustrated project got a full page treatment in recent issue Forbes magazine!
Just got the photos from Athletic/Aesthetic, an exhibition that was held in Los Angeles in December of 2016, where I exhibited six James Harden prints among dome amazing artists. See more photos on Facebook page. Thank you to good folks from Second Spectrum who organized this show.
James Harden and Houston Rockets said thank you with signed jersey from James Harden!
Two virtuoses got together for a special, jazz & New Orleans All Star 2017 game-themed portrait: James Harden ft. Louis Armstrong. Portrait #25.
Guide to Space: Earth is not round, it’s James Harden-shaped. Portrait #24 is here.
James Harden portrait drawn in one, very long line. Can you find the two ends? This is portrait number 23.
We all know he'll end up in Simpsons episode sooner or later. Newest member of Simpson family makes a portrait number 22.
Apparently, there’s a huge hurricane coming to the USA. Alert is issued. Stay safe. Portrait number 21.
Dive inside the mind of James Harden and see many tiny details and references from his life and game. Tees are available in shop too!
Sketches for Phrenology of James Harden
You’ve probably noticed James Harden’s trademark stirring the pot celebration. Latest portrait illustrates it in a special way. Harden’s left hand is cooking and forming his portrait at the same time.